Monday, December 6, 2010

Anti Bullying

On Monday the staff of the Burlington Integrated Preschool spent the day with Dr. Greg Hanley, PhD BCBA. Dr. Hanley is a professor at Western New England College in Springfield and has researched and developed "Preschool Life Skills Curriculum". The PLS is an approach to teaching critical social skills to preschoolers. The skills that this curriculum teaches were selected because they are the same skills early elementary teachers have identified as being critical to early school success.

The goal of the days professional development was twofold; to define what bullying is and how it presents itself in the preschool environment. Secondly to learn strategies to prevent bullying types of behavior and to teach young children appropriate social skills. Dr. Hanley spent most of the day outlining that if the Preschool Life Skills is implemented with fidelity and embedded into daily activities it will prevent many problem behaviors.

The staff found this professional development to be relevant to what happens in the preschool on a daily basis and are looking forward to implementing the Preschool Life Skills Curriculum.