Monday, October 4, 2010

The Book Pack Program

The Book Pack Program will begin this Thursday.

Dear Parents:

We are excited to tell you about a pre-literacy initiative beginning here at the Burlington Integrated Preschool! The Book Pack Program will provide you an opportunity to enjoy time with your child through shared reading of high quality children’s literature. Research shows that time spent reading books increases children’s future reading skills.

Here is how the Book Pack Program works:

- Every Thursday you will receive a small numbered book pack with a collection of 3-4 books. The books will have a common theme.
- Included in the book pack is a recommended reading guide. The reading guide offers you suggestions and prompts for discussion about each book.
- During the week, find a time each day to read with your child. Please be sure to handle the books with care and to return them to the backpack for safe keeping.
- Return the book pack with all of the contents on the following Tuesday.

Our hope for this Book Pack Program is twofold. First we hope you can enjoy reading these books while spending special time with your child. Second, we hope the experience will provide him/her with a strong pre-literacy skill foundation.

You will receive your first book pack on Thursday October 7th!
Thank you for your participation in the Book Pack Program!

The Burlington Integrated Preschool Staff