Sunday, May 29, 2011

It's a girl

LeighAnn and her husband are the very proud parents of Emery Ann Shaw. She was born on May 28th, at 1:41 A.M. Mother and baby are doing great.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Field Trip Information

Field Trip – Friday, 5/27

Please use the following guidelines for our trip to the Drumlin Farm, on May 27th:

· All children and chaperones attending the trip need to be at school by 8:30 a.m. sharp.

· All children should bring a snack consisting of a one item to eat and one disposable juice box. Please put the snack in a clear Ziploc bag labeled with child’s first and last name. No lunch bags or backpacks. We will have limited space and need to consolidate things.

· Children should wear sneakers or comfortable shoes; the children will be doing a lot of walking through the farm. NO open toe shoes, crocs, or flip flops.

· The weather forecast for the day warm and sunny. Please apply sunscreen to your child before they come to school.

· We will attend the farm rain or shine.

· If you are a chaperone, please be advised we are asking you carpool and follow the buses to the farm. If you are willing to drive, please tell your child’s teacher and we will provide you with directions.

We will leave the farm at 10:45 a.m. and should return to the preschool by 11:30 a.m. Please be waiting for the buses at 11:30 a.m. Children will be brought back into the classroom to gather belongings and then teachers will bring them out to dismiss them. This will ensure that all students are accounted for and safe.

Morning Students- If your child attends the morning session and usually takes the bus home, they will take the bus home as usual.

Afternoon Students- If your child attends the afternoon session; there will be no transportation home for your child. Please come to pick up your child at 11:30.

Please be waiting to pick your child up. DO NOT PARK IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL OR IN THE BUS ZONE

Friday, May 20, 2011


One of the changes we have made this year in the Burlington Integrated Preschool is to move away from doing the calendar every day at circle time. Research shows that it is a low level skill that children learn very little from. I found this blog post and I think it speaks to how young children view the passing of time and other activities that can be done to make it meaningful.

Seven Days in a Week

Adults use time to mark and measure time, but for children the task is not as easy. Little evidence exists indicating that calander activities which mark extended periods of time (a month, a week) are meaningful for children below first grade (Friedman, 2000). Before children can make use of a calendar, they need to be able to understand that time is sequential (first comes Sunday, then Monday, and so on).

There are many relevant resources that exist in your child's world that can help them understand the sequence of a week. You can use picture books, songs, and even photographs to help your child understand how to mark and measure time in their own world.

Some books that discuss the concept of a week include:

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle: A hungry caterpillar eats various foods on each day of the week before turning into a beautiful butterfly.

Hannah and the Seven Dresses by Marthe Jocelyn: A little girl wears a different dress each day of the week until her birthday comes and she can't decide which of the 7 to choose.

Cookie's Week by Cindy Ward and Tomie de Paola: A mischievious cat gets into trouble each day of the week.

Big Week for Little Mouse by Eugenie and Kim Fernandes: A little mouse spends a week getting ready for a special event.

Today is Monday by Eric Carle: Different animals eat their way through the days of the week.

The song Everybody Happy by Sharon Lois and Bram is another great resource to use when teaching your little one about a week.

Everybody Happy:

Today is Monday, Today is Monday
Monday the washing’
Everybody happy? But I should say:

Today is Tuesday, Today is Tuesday
Tuesday the ironing’
Monday the washing’
Everybody happy? But I should say:

Today is Wednesday, Today is Wednesday
Wednesday the gardening’
Tuesday the ironing’
Monday the washing’
Everybody happy? But I should say:

Today is Thursday, Today is Thursday
Thursday soup
Wednesday the gardening’
Tuesday the ironing’
Monday the washing’
Everybody happy? But I should say:

Today is Friday, Today is Friday
Friday Pay Day!
Thursday soup
Wednesday the gardening’
Tuesday the ironing’
Monday the washing’
Everybody happy? But I should say:

Today is Saturday, Today is Saturday
Saturday is shopping!
Friday Pay Day!
Thursday soup
Wednesday the gardening’
Tuesday the ironing’
Monday the washing’
Everybody happy? But I should say:

Today is Sunday, Today is Sunday
Sunday - Resting!
Saturday is shopping!’
Friday Pay Day!
Thursday soup
Wednesday the gardening’
Tuesday the ironing’
Monday the washing’
Everybody happy? But I should say:
Everybody happy? But I should say!

You can also create a large calander for your child using pictures of them doing activities on each day of the week. For example, on Monday, it could be a rainy day (like lately!), Tuesday is baking cookies, and so on.

Can you think of any books, songs, or activities that help children learn the days of the week?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Teaching Math to preschoolers

by UPAT Parent Educator Barbara Rouse

“…5, 4, 3, 2, 1, blastoff “ shouts the 4 year old boy as he takes his toy rocket and runs around the playroom pretending to go to outer space. Young children learn about numbers and math through their everyday activities. They learn math when they play with objects and people, solve problems, and make observations about their surroundings. Wise parents support their child’s learning by providing play materials for their child to experiment with. Children learn about shapes when they construct them from playdough, pipe cleaners, string, or crayons. They learn by playing with blocks or nesting containers. Children learn that parts make up the whole by playing with puzzles or toys that come apart. They learn about how numbers are used when their parents point out numbers to them as they go throughout their day. Children learn spatial sense or a feel for their surroundings and the objects in them when they run, climb, swing, slide, or play with blocks or puzzles.

Children need to experience numbers in many different ways to build their understanding of it. They need to connect the spoken number names to a variety of objects, pictures, and written number symbols. They need to understand the language of math-- the meaning of words such as same/different, more/less, many/few, etc. Children usually progress in their understanding of math from concrete (the actual objects), to pictorial (pictures of objects), to symbolic (numerals), and finally to abstract. It is helpful for them to see two toy trucks next to a picture of two trucks next to the symbol “2”.

What math concepts do young children need to understand before entering Kindergarten?

  • Count by rote from 1 to 10 or more
  • Counts out at least 5 objects
  • Tells if someone has “more” or “less” of something than they do
  • Draws some numbers
  • Describes objects as being under or over something; or on or off
  • Names and draws some shapes
  • Matches and sorts objects by color, size, shape, or use
  • Arranges stuffed animals or toys from smallest to largest
  • Repeats a pattern by color or size when stringing beads or arranging blocks
  • Points out when a story or routine is changed or out of order

The most important thing for parents to do is make it fun!

Parents Make the Best Playmates
All child development experts (including me) will tell you that one of the best things you can do for your child is to play with your child. But those same experts (including me) often lament that parents don’t always know HOW to play with their kids.

I have a theory about this. Adults sometimes struggle with “child’s play” because it is counter-intuitive to what’s expected of us in every other part of our lives. As adults, we’re expected to be strong, mature and in control at all times; responsible, efficient, effective, and results-oriented. Yet it is these exact qualities that make adults INEFFECTIVE as play partners to their children.

To help you understand what I mean, here are a few rules of thumb I prescribe for parents during playtime...

FOLLOW, DON’T LEAD. When it comes to play, your child is better at it than you are. Know your place and follow her lead (unless safety becomes an issue).

GET SHORTER. Whenever you can, bring yourself down to her level (both physically and emotionally!). This is your time to see the world through her eyes.

KEEP IT POINTLESS. True play has no agenda – no rightness or wrongness to it. Whatever happens happens. Keeping playtime open and free is not only the best way to encourage your child's imagination, it's also the best way to help her learn naturally.

And no matter what, remember, playtime is for both of you, so relax and go for the ride!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Homemade Bubbles

Here is a recipe to make bubbles, have some fun this weekend making and exploring bubbles. See if you can come up with some fun and creative ways to make wands.

Homemade Bubbles

2/3 Cup Dish washing Soap (Joy works well.)

3 Tbsp. Glycerin (Available at the pharmacy)

Water (A little less than 1 gallon)

Combine the dish soap and glycerin in an empty gallon milk jug. Add enough water to fill the jug. Shake and allow the solution to sit until the following day.

Homemade Bubble Wands:

Fly swatter

Paper clip

Cookie cutters

Strawberry or blueberry cartons (green one)

Pipe cleaners

Wire hanger



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Drumlin Farm

Permission slips and money are due on Thursday if your child will be attending the field trip to Drumlin Farm. The cost of the trip is $10.00 and we can only accept cash.

We are going on a field trip to Drumlin Farm

When: Friday May 27th, 2011

Where: Drumlin Farm 208 South Great Road, Lincoln MA.

Who: All of the students that attend preschool are invited to join us. Even if your child doesn’t come to school on Friday, we would love to have them join us for a fun day at the farm. ( there is no transportation for the afternoon children. If your child usually comes by bus in the afternoon you will need to transport them)

Time: We will leave the preschool at 8:45am and return at 11:30pm.

How: We will travel on several large yellow school buses.

Cost: the cost of the trip is $10.00 per student and $6.00 per chaperone. The price of the trip covers the cost of buses and the entrance to the farm.

Chaperones: We will need 3 to 4 chaperones per classroom. If we have more than 3 or 4 volunteers per classroom we will hold a lottery. If you are interested in attending the field trip you need to have a Cori on file. (If you have filled out a Cori form within the past 3 years, you don’t need to be Cori’d) Cori forms can be filled out in the preschool office. We will need to photocopy your license when you fill out the form, make sure you have it with you. All Cori forms need to be completed by no later than Friday May 7th.
Please fill out and return the attached permission slip to school as soon as possible. When returning your permission slips please submit the $10.00 in cash to pay for the trip.

If your child will be attending the field trip on Friday May 28th, please return the permission slip and money by Thursday May 12th. If we don’t receive money and a signed permission slip we will assume your child will not be attending the trip on Friday

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


The staff of the Bulrlington Integrated Preschool would like to congratulate the Roofe family on their new addition. Katie, teacher of the Lucky Ducks, had a baby boy yesterday. His name is Thomas James and he weighed 8lbs 4oz. Thomas and Katie are both doing well. Thomas will be welcomed home by his big brother John. Congratulations to the Roofe family.

Katie is officially on maternity leave and Amanda has taken over the classroom for the remainder of the school year.

Dear Preschool Families,

During the month of May we ask that you pay both May and June’s tuition.

Tuition is due the first Tuesday of the month. The tuition schedule for the year is as follows:

September 7th December 7th March 1st

October 5th January 4th April 5th

November 2nd February 8th May 2nd (May and June is due May 2nd)

All checks should be made payable to the Burlington Integrated Preschool and can be dropped of with Laura Caprio in the office.

3 day AM is $2,320.00 for the year or 232.00 per month
5 day AM is $3,860.00 for the year or $386.00 per month
4 day PM program is $1,750.00 for the year or $175.00 per month

If your child attends the three day AM program you currently owe, $464.00

If your child attends the five day AM program you currently owe, $772.00

If your child attends the four day PM program you currently owe, $350.00

If you have any questions about your payment please contact Laura at 781-270-1808. Laura’s goal is to close the books by the end of May. Please help her by paying your tuition in full.

Thanks for your attention to this matter,

Louise D’Amato